JHU Press Blog Post
July 3, 2013
On whether Lincoln ordered an attack on the retreating Lee
Aired May 25, 2012 on GBTV
he true authorship of Lincoln's famous letter of condolence to the Widow Bixby. Watch clip
Publishers Weekly
Abraham Lincoln: A Life
"This book supplants Carl Sandburg and supersedes all other biographies. Future Lincoln books cannot be written without it, and from no other book can a general reader learn so much about Abraham Lincoln. It is the essential title for the bicentennial..." Read Review (PDF)
-James L. Swanson
Abe's scrapbook
Travelogue follows Lincoln's presidential trailFrom the Chicago Tribune's book review section, June 3, 2012
The Atlantic, June 2013
“A monumental and meticulous two-volume study of the 16th president . . . should be required reading for anyone seriously interested in Lincoln.”—Mark Bowden, http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/06/abraham-lincoln-is-an-idiot/309304/
A more fully documented, searchable version of ABRAHAM LINCOLN: A LIFE can be found at the web site of the Lincoln Studies Center at Knox College